Meba CS 68 Rotary Switch could be widely applied.Power Switch use, as is high voltage,Therefore, we should use current high silver alloy contact in the CNC control panel.Low voltage is due, it should be current use of the low end.Because they use different they may be a clear distinction, and general products have not been possible to clear labeling.Resettlement rate or damage caused by natural increase have access to the insensitivity of view.The power company is the introduction of other types as applicable Of-Switch to distinguish between blue and two high-voltage color.high current and low voltage, low current period results can be reached work, and enhance product life.

Meba CS 68 Rotary Switch

Rated Radio Table:

Low voltage, low current
(Contact Block said a white Table)
High voltage, high current
(Contact Block said a white Table)
Then little capacity 24V      0.1A 600V     15A
Contact resistance Following early 10m Ω Following early 50m Ω
Withstand voltage 2200VAC                One minute
Insulation resistance 10mΩ以上          500VAC
life Machinery back above 100,000 :
Electrical back above 100,000 :

Mode of operation Revert to manual Automatic Return
Switching angle 30, 45, 60, 90 45
Switching of a few 2-12Of 2-3Of

Fixed Hole Size

Repeated Meeting 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
A/Rated Radio Table 40 55.5 71.5 6.5 102 11 133 148 164 179

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