Meba Porcelain Insulators

Meba Porcelain Insulators

Meba Spool Insulators

Meba Spool Insulators

Fig 1 1 2 3 2 2 4
Cat.No 10506 10507 10501 10502 10503 10504 10505
Type 1617 1618 53-1 53-2 53-3 53-4 53-5
Transverse Strength,kN 9 13 9 13 18 20 27
Low Frequency Dry Flashower Voltage 20 20 20 25 25 25 25
Low Frequency Wet Vertical,kV 1 1 8 12 12 12 18
Flashower Voltage Horizontal,kv 9 10 10 15 15 15 25
Dimensions,mm H 65 75 54 76 81 76 105
D 76 89 57 79 76 105 102
d 46 55 44 44 44 73 73
d1 17.6 17 17.5 17.5 17.5 17.5 17.5
R 9 12.5 11 17.5 11 16 11
Net Weight,Each,Approx.,kg 0.4 0.6 0.2 0.5 0.6 1.05 1.2

Meba Pin Insulators Of High Voltage Lines

Meba Pin Insulators Of High Voltage Lines

Cat No. ANSI Class Main dimension in (mm) creepage distance in (mm) Min.Pin length in (mm) CantiLever Strength lb (kn) Flashover voltage Power frequency puncture voltage KV Radio influence Voltage Fig
Power frequency Impulse Test voltage To gruoud KV Max RIV at 1Mhz μV
D H h Dry kv Wet KV Positive kv Negative kv
10121 55-1 31/4(83) 31/2(89) 13/4(44) 4(102) 4(102) 3000(13) 35 20 50 70 50 5 2500/50 16
10122 55-2 43/4(95) 31/4(83) 11/2(38) 5(127) 4(102) 2500(11) 50/45 25 75/70 95/85 70 5 2500/50 17
10123 55-3 103/4(121) 43/4(95) 11/2(38) 7(178) 5(127) 2500(11) 65/55 35/30 100/90 130/110 90 10 5500/50 18
10124 55-4 51/2(140) 43/8(111) 13/4(44) 9(229) 5(127) 3000(13) 70/65 40/35 110/105 140/130 95 10 5500/50 18
10125 55-5 7(178) 47/8(124) 2(51) 12(305) 6(152) 3000(13) 85/80 45 140/130 170/150 115 15 8000/100 18

Meba Disc Suspension Insulators


Cat No. ANSI Class Fig Main dimension in (mm) Leakage distance in (mm) combined M&E strength lb (KN) Mechanical impact strength im-lb(N-m) Time load test value lb(KN) Average flashover Voltage Power frequency puncture voltage Kv Radio influence Voltage
Power frequency Critical impulse Test Voltage to gruoud KV max Rivat 1 Mhz μV
D(max) H Drt kv Wet kv Positive kv Negative kv
10221 52-1 1 61/2(165) 51/2(141) 7(178) 10000(44) 45(5.0) 6000(27) 60 30 100 100 80 7.5 50
10222 52-2 2 8(203) 103/4(146) 81/4(210) 15000(67) 50(5.5) 10000(44) 65 35 115 115 90 7.5 50
10223 52-3 4 103/4(273) 103/4(146) 111/2(292) 15000(67) 55(6.0) 10000(44) 80 50 125 130 100 10 50
10224 52-4 3 103/4(273) 103/4(146) 111/2(292) 15000(67) 55(6.0) 10000(44) 80 50 125 130 110 10 50
10225 52-5 4 103/4(273) 103/4(146) 11(279) 25000(111) 60(7.0) 15000(67) 80 50 125 130 110 10 50
10226 52-6 3 103/4(273) 103/4(146) 11(279) 25000(111) 60(7.0) 15000(67) 80 50 125 130 110 10 50
10227 52-7 5 41/2(114) 41/4(160) 63/4(171) 10000(44) 45(5.0) 6000(27) 60 30 100 90 80 7.5 50

Meba Porcelain Pin Insulators

Meba Porcelain Pin Insulators

Cat No. Cat No. Fig Main dimension in(mm) Greepage distance(mm) Cantilever strength(kn) withstand voltage Power frequency puncture voltage kv Radio influence voltage Used Spindle
D H d1 h R1 R2 d One minute wet power frequency withstand voltage KV Dry impulse withstand voltage(pead) KV Test voltage to gruoud KV Max RIV at 1 Mhz μV
10131 p-11-y 1 140 133 18.29 48 13 9.5 240 10.6 45 80 135 15 8000/100 Used Spindle
10132 p-15-y 1 152 137 18.29 48 13 12.7 298 11 50 95 150 15 8000/100
10133 p-22-y 2 230 165 27.78 52.63 19 14.3 432 11 70 125 200 22 12000/100 Large steel head
10134 p-33-y 3 279 244 27.78 52.63 19 13 630 13.8 90 170 210 30 16000/100
10135 pw-15-y 4 170 185 52.63 16 16 76 432 11 50 95 150 22 12000/100
10136 pw-22-y 5 205 255 52.63 16 16 76 673 11 70 125 200 30 16000/100
10137 pw-33-y 5 240 320 52.63 16 16 76 851 11 90 170 210 44 25000/100

Meba Spindles(For use with pin type insulators)

Meba Spindles(For use with pin type insulators)


Cat.No. Old Cat.No. Fig Main Dimensions/mm Mechanical Strengch/kg Class ANSI Weight/kg
H D h h1 h2 a d1
C110M 12 1 331 76 178 51 76 34.9 20 1132 56-1 1.9
C111M 13 1 356 76 178 51 76 34.9 20 998 56-2 2.2
C112M 16 1 407 89 178 51 76 34.9 20 1080 56-3 2.5
C113M 17 1 432 89 178 51 76 34.9 20 953 56-4 3.25
C114M LM010M 1 343 45 165 51 76 34.9 20 680 56-2 1.6
C115J 19 2 198 76 45 51 40 34.9 20 1132 56-1 1.54
C116T 20 2 223 76 45 51 40 34.9 20 998 56-2 1.87
C117T 23 2 274 89 45 51 40 34.9 20 1089 56-3 2.17
C118T 24 2 299 89 45 51 40 34.9 20 952 56-4 2.7
C119T LM010T 2 223 45 45 51 40 34.9 20 680 56-2 1.3
C120M 13M(16) 1 356 76 76 51 70 34.9 16 540 56-2 1.9

Main Dimensions And Standard Particulars:

Cat.No. C101 C102 C103 C106 V107
Old Cat.No. B2201 B2241 B2202 BS18 BS29
Fig 3 3 3 4 4
Class Bs BS Small Steel BS large Steel
Main Dimensions(mm) H 305 352 215 261 369
D 38 41 38 60 51
h 140 127 50 46 140
h1 74 80 44 41 78
h2 44.45 44.45 44.45 47 47
a 18.29 18.29 18.29 27.78 27.78
d 20 22 20 22 22
Mechanical strengch/kg 540 540 540 1090 1089
Weight/kg 1 1.2 0.75 1.5 2

Meba Porcelain Post Insulators


Factory No. 10321 10322 10323 10324 10325
ANSI class 57-1S
Fig No. 16 17 18 19 20
Dimensions of the pin M16 M20(M16) M20 M20 M20
Creepage distance mm 356 559 737 1015 1145
Dry arcing distance mm 165 241 311 368 438
Cantilever strength kN 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5
Low frequency flashover voltage Dry flashover kV 80 110 125 150 175
Wet flashover kV 60 85 100 125 150
Critical imqulse flashover voltage Postive kV 130 180 210 255 290
Negative kV 155 205 260 340 380
Radio influence voltage data Test voltage to ground kV 15 22 30 44 44
At 1000kHZ MaX.RIV μV 100 100 200 200 200
Weight kg 5 9.8 12 16 18

Meba Low Voltage Butterfly Type Insulator

Low Voltage Butterfly Type Insulator

Main Dimensions And Standard Particulars:

Cat.No 10508 10509 10510 10511 10512 10513
Fig 2 1 1 1 1 1
Class Bs ED-2(C) ED-2(B) ED-2(B) ED-1 ED-2 ED-3
Main Dimensions(mm) H 80 76 76 90 75 65
D 80 89 89 100 80 70
d 50 48 48 50 42 36
d1 22 21 17.5 22 20 16
R 6 10 10 12 10 8
Mechanical Failing Load(KN) 13 12 12 12 10 8
Minimum Flashover Voltage Power-frequency Dry(kv) 25 25 25 22 18 16
Wet(kv) 15 12 12 10 9 7
Weight(kg) 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.8 0.6 105

Meba Pult-tightly Insulator


Cat.No 10521 10522 10523 10524 10525 10526
Fig No 1 2 1 1 1 2
Class ANSI J-4.5 J-9 54-1 54-2 54-3 54-4
Main Dimensions H 90 172 88 108 140 171
h1 60 110 64 76 103 114
D 64 80 64 72 86 89
d 45 60 44 54 60 60
d1 14 25 16 22 25 25
h 42 72 44 57 79 69
Mechanical Failing Load(KN) 42 90 44 53 89 89
leadage distance(mm) / / 41 47 57 76
Flashover Volage Dry(kv) / / 25 30 35 40
Wet(kv) / / 12 15 18 23
Weight(kg) 0.40 2 0.43 0.63 1.2 2

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