Meba time delay breaker MBDR047  is used in lighting distribution system or motor distribution system for protection overload and short-circuit in the system. The product is neoteric in structure, light in weight, reliable and excellent in performance. It has high breaking capacity, can trip quickly, and its case and items are adopted by high fire-resistant and shockproof plastics. The product, with long life, is mainly used in AC 50Hz/60Hz single-pole 230V or two, three, four pole 400V circuit for overload and short-circuit protection as well as for unfrequent on-and-off switching electric equipment and lighting circuit in normal case. The products comply with IEC 60898.

Meba time delay breaker MBDR047

Technical parameters

MBDR047 is one kind of timer relay, used in distribution box with MCB, Isolator, Surge Arrester together.
Rated voltage(V): 220-415

Overall & Installation Dimensions


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